Fraser Cain

creating Universe Today and the Guide to Space

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You’re seriously supporting the writing of news, the recording of podcasts, and the shooting of videos. A year’s worth of your support covers about a week of our server hosting. Awesome.

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  • Your name will appear in the video description and on-screen in every Q&A and News video
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  • Discord access 
Interstellar Adventurer
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Galaxy Wanderer
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This is an outrageous amount of support, and I'm deeply grateful. The fact that you care this much about space and astronomy is pretty inspiring.

Additional Rewards:
  • We will give you a special on-screen credit in an upcoming video.
  • All the previous benefits.
  • Discord access 
Master of the Universe
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Your serious commitment to independent space news journalism means that we can write an additional 10 articles a year, or create several videos. You're helping us get more space science news out into the Universe.

Additional Rewards:
  • We'll give you an exclusive shout-out in every news and Q&A video episode we create.
  • All the previous benefits.
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Fraser Cain

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